Fake luxury goods and counterfeit scams cost the global economy around 30,000 jobs and $8 billion in lost revenue every year. MSA Investigations understands the financial consequences of the underground fake goods market, not only for our clients, but also for the economy at large. To address the explosion of counterfeit luxury goods and help companies save millions in lost profits and protect their brands, MSA Investigations has developed a successful strategy for conducting anti-counterfeit investigations.
At MSA Investigations, our counterfeit goods investigators are experts at conducting undercover buys, identifying counterfeit goods, making undercover purchases ("fake buys"), and liason with law enforcement to take criminal action for anti-counterfeit investigations. We understand the intricacies at work in the underground fake goods market, and are mindful of our clients' positions in the luxury goods industry.
Key anti-counterfeit services MSA Investigations provides include:
Surveillance: We conduct a methodical search of the area to identify the physical locations that display and/or offer for sale counterfeit goods
Undercover Purchase: MSA Investigations, on behalf of its clients, works closely with police to identify counterfeit merchandise and uses covert investigation strategies to make undercover purchases (i.e. “fake buys”)
Criminal Search Warrant: Acting on behalf of our luxury goods clients, MSA Investigations assists the police with executing criminal court search warrants, which provides the ability to search and seize counterfeit merchandise
Cease and Desist: When necessary, we provide clients with cease and desist support that leads to the voluntary surrender of fake merchandise
Law Enforcement Support: MSA Investigations represents our clients in situations wherein law enforcement agents require product authentication; this support is available 24/7