Online Investigations and Reputation Defense

Businesses seeking a company with whom to partner will perform their own due diligence and learn as much information as possible about that partner. A potential employee looking to begin a career will seek an additional level of comfort with the company where they may soon be employed. Internet search engines and social networking sites are the first places to be searched in order to learn about the online profile of a company or individual. Negative or derogatory information can be devastating to a company’s reputation and may have a significant impact on its future, which is often difficult to remedy. How and from where does this information appear? It can be the work of a competitor, one dissatisfied customer, or even a former employee. Even one lone negative post or comment can leave a permanent record of a company’s past, and is often difficult to erase.
MSA Investigations' professionals are experienced in the field of Reputation Management. This set of services can assist individuals and companies in pushing negative or unflattering content from top search engine rankings. A company or individual’s online reputation is critical and our professionals take the necessary measures to rectify damage done and protect against potential harm to an individual’s character or a company’s standing in the business community.